Our foundation

Creative Expression

Each program, class or conversation we share is based in joy. To have a joy practice means to allow creativity to flow abundantly. True creative expression is welcome everywhere!

Holistic Wellness

A part of our practice is to share the importance of holistic wellness. Whether through the realms of yoga, nutrition or birth work everything we do has at least one of the 7 dimensions of wellness incorporated.


The goal is to gain an understanding of self so deep, that you have no choice but to share your most authentic self in every space you enter. Honoring your humanity first and in-turn honoring others. Showing up as your most authentic self is resisting systems of oppression in its most pure form.

Birth made simple and sacred

We’re here to help our youth thrive

SunshineFLO incorporates and uses the 8 limb path to provide trauma-informed care to participants. The 8 limb path also acts as a blueprint to create an understanding of self within our community . Our programs operate with a prime focus on self- awareness and mindfulness. Programming and workshops are designed to create and embrace space through non-traditional forms of expression within systems of oppression to achieve the highest form of joy, inner joy. All programs and workshops are conducted using an anti-racist framework which embraces and honors ones humanity and the way in which it shows up in traditional and non-traditional spaces daily, specifically related to systems of oppression. To operate within an anti-racist framework allows for cultural competency, free-flowing education and non-conformative expression.

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Join our 2024-2025 Board!